Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Writing_Process Essay_Nguyễn Thị Nụ

How to shop on Bosua.vn?
Version 1:

In modern life, a lot of people are so busy that they do not have enough time to go shopping. However, thanks to the revolution in information technology, people can purchase products they need from home or office through the Internet by using online shopping websites. In Vietnam, a website named Bosua.vn is becoming more and more popular among teenagers because of its distinctive fashion products. Besides, it is the process of buying things online in this website is  quite simple that persuades a lot of people to shop in their online marketplace. Belows are the steps guiding you how to purchase products from this site.

  1. To begin shopping, you have to search for and choose the items you want to buy.
When you enter the site, you will see the most important navigator next to the logo of the website. It contains the catergories of products, the lookbook and catalogue for special events, and the information about seller. 

You can choose to view items in two catergories: Products for men or Products for women. In each catergories, we can see  some sub-catergories of the ranges of models they provide. For example: Chemise, T-shirt, Trousers, Shoes, DC comics. In each sub-catergory, there are different kinds of items. 

Another way to look for an item is to use the search engine of the site. You can type the name of the product or the types of product you interest in in the search navigator.
When looking for the items you want, you can require the website to arrange products base on the price order of base on name. You can also decide how many items to be displayed per page. 

One more choice that the shop offers you is to use the tool in the left of the site. This toolbox will appear when you enter any product catergory. You are able choose products for which gender, the model and the size you want. After your choice, the site will show you all items that meet your requirements.

  1. The second step is to work with your shopping cart.
The first thing to do when you find the item you want is to add it in your shopping cart. If you find the product you want to purchase, you can put it into shopping cart by clicking the symbol “Add to shopping cart”. Before click this button, you need to choose the quantity you want to buy, the color and the size you need.

Then, you can review your shopping cart by clicking on the “Shopping cart” button in right corner in the top of the website. In this step, you can easily remove the items you do not like by clicking the X button, or just save the items for the next order, or change the details about color, size and the quantity. It is also important to choose your areas because the seller has different levels of shipping fee for different areas.

  1. The final step is to place order.

After that, if everything you want to buy is in you cart, you can click the button “Pay now” to place an order. If you have an account, just simply log in the site. If not, you can register a new account or choose to place an order as a guest.

When you finish this step, you are required to provide you personal information: name, email, your address and the city/province you are living in table 1. In table 2, you can choose the method of transportation. The last table is the method of payment that you prefer to use. You can choose to pay online or pay through banks.

Finally, after filling all these three tables, click the button “Pay now”. If you choose to pay online, using nganluong.vn, you are asked to provide some information before you order is placed. If you choose to pay through the banks, you will receive the notice that your order are recorded and they will contact you for futher details.

In short, by following these steps, you can easily buy fashion products on bosua.vn without going to their store. You just need to sit comfortably at home or at office and purchase what you want with some clicks.

Version 2:

In modern life, a lot of people are so busy that they do not have enough time to go shopping. However, thanks to the revolution in information technology, people can purchase products they need from homes or offices through the Internet by using online shopping websites. In Vietnam, a website named Bosua.vn is becoming more and more popular among teenagers because of its distinctive fashion products. Besides, it is the process of buying things online on this website is  quite simple that persuades a lot of people to shop on Bosua.vn. Belows are the steps guiding you how to purchase products from this site.

1. First of all, you need to search for the item you want to buy.
When you enter the site, you will see the most important navigator next to the logo of the website. It contains the catergories of products, the lookbook and catalogue for special events, and the information about seller. 

You can choose to view items in two catergories: Products for men or Products for women. In each catergory, we can see  some sub-catergories of the ranges of models they provide. For example: Chemise, T-shirt, Trousers, Shoes, DC comics. In each sub-catergory, there are many different kinds of items that can cater for a variety of needs. 

Another way to look for an item is to use the search engine of the site. You can type the name of the product or the types of products you are interested in into the search navigator.

When looking for the items you want, you can require the website to arrange products in the order of price or  name. You are able to decide how many items to be displayed per page, too. 

One more choice that the shop offers you is to use the tool on the left side of the site. This toolbox will appear when you enter any product catergory. After you make you choices, the website will list all the items that meet you requirements.

2.         After that, you will deal with the shopping cart.
If you find the product you want to purchase, you can put it into shopping cart by clicking the symbol “Add to shopping cart”Before clicking this button, you need to choose the quantity you want to buy, the color and the size you need.

Then, you can review your shopping cart by clicking on the “Shopping cart” button in the right corner on the top of the website. In this step, you can easily remove the items you do not like by clicking the X button, or just choose to save the items for the next order, or change the details about the color, size and quantity. It is also important to choose your areas because the seller has different levels of shipping fee for different areas.

3.         Finally, you can place an order with some more clicks.

Whenever everything you want to buy is all in you cart, you can click the button
“Pay now”  to place an order. If you have an account, log in the site. If not, you can register a new account or choose to place an order as a guest.

When you finish this step, you are required to provide you personal information about your name, your email, your address and the city/province you are living in table 1. In table 2, you can choose the method of transportation. It depends on whether you want to receive the products the next day or some days after the order. The last table is the method of payment that you prefer to use. You can choose to pay online or pay through banks.

When you complete filling all these three tables, click the button “Pay now”. If you choose to pay online, using nganluong.vn, you are asked to provide some information before your order is placed. If you choose to pay through the banks, you will receive the notice that guides you to the shop bank account and anounce that your order are recorded and they will contact you for futher details.

In short, by following these simple steps, you can easily buy fashion products on bosua.vn without going to their store. You just need to sit comfortably at home or at office and purchase what you want with some clicks.


  1. dear Nu,
    in general, i think your paragraph is quite good, it is such a very clear instruction that every one, even the people just buy online the first time can understand.
    moreover, your writing structure meets almost the requirements of a process essay.
    however, you still have some small mistakes in vocabulary and grammar. for example, in step 1, "each categories" must be "each category", or click in step 2, "before click" must be "before clicking"
    thank you for your detailed instruction paragraph.
    best regard,

    1. Thanks a lot for you comments, Thoan!
      I will revise the essay carefully to correct all mistakes and improve this essay.

  2. After reading your instructions, I have some comments for you:
    STRONG POINTS: overall, your writing is good
    -your instructions are:
    +very easy to follow (it's a good idea when you can add the symbols or pictures)
    + very specific
    - Transitions are used quite flexibly.

    WEAK POINTS (maybe they are not the weak points, just some points I think you need to reconsider):

    - First, you are the seller, the owner of this website, so I think you shouldn't use "they", "the seller" or "their store".
    - Second, you should pay attention to the parallelism ( when introducing the first step you use " to begin shopping..." but the second and third step you use "the second/final step is...")
    - Next, there are some spelling mistakes in your essay (you should use category, further, your personal information instead of catergory, futher or you personal information). Also there are some structure I think you need to check again, such as : base on,in the left, are able choose, in the top of...). Besides, I think the two last sentences in the introduction have some mistake in grammar (but in the last sentence I'm not sure whether "belows" can be used or not)
    - In my opinion, you don't need to mention the first step ( "The first thing to do when you find the item you want is to add it in your shopping cart"). However, it's my own viewpoint, so if you find that this sentence can help the instructions be clearer to customers, please feel free to keep it)

    I hope these comments can help you in the second version!

    1. Dear Dung,

      First of all thank you a lot or your comments. They help me a lot when I wrote the second version.

      And then, I just want to make it clear that I write this essay as a customer who have bought products from bosua.vn give advices for others, not the seller.

      Thank you!

    2. As I remember, our teacher asked us to write this essay as the website's owner, so I think you should write this as a seller instead of a customer.
      -commented by Tran Thi Kim Dung
