Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Entry 1_ Bùi Thị Xuân Hương

Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Entry 1_ Bùi Thị Xuân Hương
Entry 1
Item 1: Poem
Why [1]
( Helen Grandison)
Why do we begin if we don’t plan to finish

Why do we love if we don’t want to get hurt
Why do we live if someday we must die
Why do we smile if we really hurt inside
Why do we frown when everything is upside down
Why do we plan but not take to action
Why do we cry when someday it will be alright
Why do we get mad if we really should be glad
Why do we morn when somebody is gone
Why do we say hi if we really mean goodbye
Why do we question what shouldn't be questioned 
and answer what shouldn't be answered?
Tell me now…why?

Rhetorical devices:
-      Repetition: why do we ...if..., why do we...when...
-      Parallelism: why do we...if...(clause), why do we...when...(clause)
-      Rhetorical question: why do we..., why do we...(this is a list of questions we can think about  but there is no answer for them, the writer uses them to emphasis a lot of conflicts happening in us and why we do those despite knowing they are unsuitable)
Our life is very complicated and there are many conflicts existing in our mind and action. Sometimes, we have to do things that we don’t really want to do or we shouldn’t do. Do things we should do reasonably and comfortably to make our life happier.

Item 2: Story
Heart song [2]
(Patty Henson)
Once upon a time, there was a great man who married the woman of his dreams. With their love, they created a little girl. She was a bright and cheerful little girl and the great man loved her very much.
When she was very little, he would pick her up, hum a tune and dance with her around the room, and he would tell her, "I love you, little girl!"
When the little girl was growing up, the great man would hug her and tell her, "I love you, little girl. "The little girl would pout and say, "I'm not a little girl anymore." Then the man would laugh and say, "But to me, you'll always be my little girl."
The little girl who-was-not-little-anymore left her home and went into the world. As she learned more about herself, she learned more about the man. She saw that he truly was great and strong, for now she recognized his strengths. One of his strengths was his ability to express his love to his family. It didn't matter where she went in the world, the man would call her and say, "I love you, little girl."
The day came when the little girl who-was-not-little- anymore received a phone call. The great man was damaged. He had had a stroke. He was aphasic, they explained to the girl. He couldn't talk anymore and they weren't sure that he could understand the words spoken to him. He could no longer smile, laugh, walk, hug, dance or tell the little girl who- was-not-little-anymore that he loved her.
And so she went to the side of the great man. When she walked into the room and saw him, he looked small and not strong at all. He looked at her and tried to speak, but he could not.
The little girl did the only thing she could do. She climbed up on the bed next to the great man. Tears ran from both of their eyes and she drew her arms around the useless shoulders of her father.
Her head on his chest, she thought of many things. She remembered the wonderful times together and how she had always felt protected and cherished by the great man. She felt grief for the loss she was to endure, the words of love that had comforted her.
And then she heard from within the man, the beat of his heart. The heart where the music and the words had always lived. The heart beat on, steadily unconcerned about the damage to the rest of the body. And while she rested there, the magic happened. She heard what she needed to hear.
His heart beat out the words that his mouth could no longer say ...
I love you I love you I love you Little girl Little girl Little girl
And she was comforted.
Rhetorical devices:
-      Repetition: the little girl who-was-not-little-anymore, love you I love you I love you Little girl Little girl Little girl.
-      Symbol: the father’s heart ( his love for his daughter)
-      Paradox: his heart beat out the words
Love is sometimes something simple which exists around us so we must respect what we are having to avoid regretting as it’s too late Love is immortal, though it isn’t express by words but we can feel it by our sincere heart.

Item 3: Cartoon [3]
Rhetorical devices:
-      Metaphor:  two eggs ( the African- American and American)
-      Symbol: eggs (the babies who haven’t been given a birth), the colors of the two eggs represent the colors of people’s skin.
-      Paradox: the eggs can say
The situation of the racial discrimination is becoming worse and worse. Even the later generation of the colored people which haven’t been given birth has to be under a heavy racial discrimination although they are all American like the others. They always have a desire of breaking barriers of discriminating skin colors. Call them African-American, not colored people.




  1. Your 1st and 2nd items is a little bit long so, honestly, i skipped some part. However, I can see your trying to find all the rhetorical devices. It's good and you've done a great job. You also bring us a hot issue about racial discrimination - that made I pay a lot of attention. Keep doing and I'm looking for a better entry next time.

  2. Hello Huong, I think you've done a good job because u have prepared very carefully. I do like the item 2 and 3. The story is very meaningful, but just one point: i think the story is just about the love between the father and the daughter. So the message is somehow too large for the story. U said "Love is sometimes something simple which exists around us so we must respect what we are having to avoid regretting as it’s too late". I agree but it's just about the love in the family.
    Regarding item no3, i like the picture very much. Because in my point of view, the African-American should be respected and there should be no racial discrimination.
    Well done, my friend!

  3. Hi Huong, I'm impressed with your entry. It's well-prepared. You've done a really great job. :)It is easy for readers to understand your message and your rhetorical devices. And I strongly agree with your views. For the whole entry, I like the item 3 best because it's eye-catching, colorful and meaningful. I find myself the message of this cartoon is that everyone in the world have to be respected despite the different skin colors as well as the races. And everyone have a right to live in a equality enviroment.
    Thank you for your post. It's really useful for me to broaden my knowledge.

  4. Hi Huong! Here are my comments for you after I read all the items in your entry 1:

    - Item 1: This poem is so meaningful. I really like it.
    • From my point of view, there is one more rhetorical device that I found in this item. That is rhyme: die – inside – alright – goodbye.
    • About the message, from my perspective, the message of any poems, stories, cartoons, etc. should be from 1 to 2 sentences only. All of your messages in 3 items are so long, therefore you should shorten it and make it more concise. However, I agree with you on the content of the message in this item.

    - Item 2: I like this story, too. However, personally I think the rhetorical device that is symbol is not correct. Instead, it should be metaphor because only in this story “the father’s heart” stands for “his love for his daughter”.
    • About the message: you should make it clearer and shorter so it will be more concise.

    - Item 3: This cartoon is quite interesting. I totally agree with you on the message you found. However, you should shorten it, too. Besides, in the rhetorical devices, I think there is no symbol device here, instead, all the things you gave in symbol belong to metaphor device. Because only in this cartoon, the colors of the two eggs represent the colors of people’s skin.

    Overall, you did a good job. Hope my comments will be useful for you. Keep practicing so you can do better in other entries!

  5. Gắn bi vào bộ phận sinh dục, cậu nhỏ hay thô 1 chút là gắn bi vào cu hiện đang trở thành hiện tượng trong giới trẻ. địa chỉ gắn bi dương vật bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Cách lựa chọn địa chỉ lắp bi vào của quý ... Có đánh giá về các yếu tố kể trên sẽ giúp nam giới biết được đâu là địa chỉ lắp bi vào dương vật hiệu quả, an toàn . đeo bi cho cậu nhỏ bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Địa chỉ gắn bi dương vật bao nhiêu tiền tại tphcm để giúp nam giới giãi tỏa những thắc mắc đó, các bác sĩ chuyên khoa cấy găm bi vào của quý đẹp an toàn bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Trẻ em bị nhiễm viêm gan B từ bé rất dễ bị suy gan ở tuổi trưởng thành. ... Vacxin là để phòng bệnh, nghĩa là chỉ thực hiện trên những đối tượng chưa hề bị dịch vụ gắn bi vào dương vật bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Biểu hiện tiêu biểu mà khi mắc ai cũng nghĩ mình bị nóng gan là mụn nhọt, mẩn ngứa. Nhưng sau khi khám & xét nghiệm loại bỏ các nguyên nhân rối loạn nội tiết cấy bi vào bộ phận sinh dục bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm

    công ty rut hầm cầu giá rẻ trực tuyến có website là xem giá rút hầm cầu trực tiếp tại đây

    Nếu còn thắc mắc hay cần được tư vấn về bệnh bạch biến có lây không và cách phòng ngừa bệnh, mời bạn liên hệ với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ dưới đây để được hỗ trợ tốt nhất cách điều trị bệnh bạch biến

    Những thông tin hay về các bệnh đa khoa có tại
