Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Entry 1_ Đinh Thị Vân Anh

Item 1: Poem
Time goes fast
Time goes slow
Time sees people die
Time sees the grass grow
Time does not forget
Time does not forgive
Time crushes and kills
Time takes all you have to give
Time rushes past
Time ticks and tocks
Time is shown by the sun
Time is on the kitchen clock
Time is going slowly
Time tells you what must be done
Time is running out
Time waits for you to have fun
Time is impatient
Time is kind
Time is cruel
Time doesn't mind
Time is a second
Time is forever
Time is right this minute
Time is now or never 
-      Amy Darnbrook –
Rhetorical devices:
Parallelism: using the same structure of sentence:
Time goes…/ Time sees…/ Time does…/ Time is…


In our life, time is very important. Time passes quickly without waiting anyone, so that we have to be cherish every moment of our life in the present.

Item 2:
The Poor Man’s Wealth

Ramchand and Premchand were neighbours. Ramchand was a poor farmer. Premchand was a landlord.
Ramchand used to be very relaxed and happy. He never bothered to close the doors and windows of his house at night. He had deep sound sleeps. Although he had no money he was peaceful.
Premchand used to be very tense always. He was very keen to close the doors and windows of his house at night. He could not sleep well. He was always bothered that someone might break open his safes and steal away his money. He envied the peaceful Ramchand.
One day, Premchand call Ramchand and gave him a boxful of cash saying, “Look my dear friend. I am blessed with plenty of wealth. I find you in poverty. So, take this cash and live in prosperity.”
Ramchand was overwhelmingly happy. He was joyful throughout the day. Night came. Ramchand went to bed as usual. But, to-day, he could not sleep. He went and closed the doors and windows. He still could not sleep. He began to keep on looking at the box of cash. The whole night he was disturbed.
As soon as day broke, Ramchand took the box of cash to Premchand. He gave away the box to Premchand saying, “Dear Friend, I am poor. But, your money took away peace from me. Please bear with me and take back your money.”

Rhetorical devices:
Simile: comparing two characters:
-      Poor farmer
-      Relaxed and happy
-      Never closing his door and windows at night.
-      Having a deep sleeps
-      Peaceful
-      A landlord
-      Tense
-      Always closing his door and windows at night.
-      Not sleep well

The box of cash: refers to money and the wealth.

Money cannot get everything.  Learning to be satisfied with what you have and you will always be happy.

Item 3: short story
Five More Minutes

While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground.  “That’s my son over there,” she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide.  “He’s a fine looking boy” the man said. “That’s my daughter on the bike in the no dress.”
Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. “What do you say we go, Melissa?”  Melissa pleaded, “Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes.”  The man nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart’s content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his daughter. “Time to go now?”
Again Melissa pleaded, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.”  The man smiled and said, “OK.”  “My, you certainly are a patient father,” the woman responded.
The man smiled and then said, “Her older brother Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I’d give anything for just five more minutes with him. I’ve vowed not to make the same mistake with Melissa.  She thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. The truth is, I get five more minutes to watch her play.”

Rhetorical devices:
“five more minutes”

Life is all about making priorities.  Family is one and only priority on top of all other, so spend all time you can with loved ones.


  1. Hi Vân Anh, here are some of my comments:

    - ITEM 1: In my opinion, there's one more rhetorical device here that you did not mention yet. It is Oxymoron, a figure of speech in which words are combined with apparently contradictory, such as: fast - slow, die - grow, kind - cruel, ...

    - ITEM 3: I love your story. However, could you make the message clearer? I think it will make best sense when you emphasize the consequences (as a lesson) for people about what they may lose if they dont't respect what they've got.

    Thanks for reading this. Hope my comment will be useful for you :x

  2. Hello Van Anh. After reading your entry 1, I want to give you some comments:

    - Item 1:
    • About rhetorical devices: From my perspective, you have some mistakes:
    + I think the rhetorical device you gave here, that is parallelism, is not correct. Instead, from my point of view, the rhetorical device must be repetition. The author repeat the structure: “Time goes…/ Time sees…/ Time does…/ Time is…” many times.
    + There is one more rhetorical device that I have found in this poem: It is rhyme: slow – grow, forgive – give, fast – past, tocks – clock, sun – done – fun, kind – mind, impatient – second, forever – never.
    • About the message: I agree with you!

    - Item 2: I really like this story. It is very interesting. Besides, I totally agree with you on the message you gave. However, about the rhetorical device, from my viewpoint, simile and metaphor are not correct. Instead, I think they are antithesis and symbol. What do you think? ^^

    - Item 3: The story is so meaningful. I agree with the rhetorical devices you gave but you should make it clearer. I mean you should explain why the metaphor here is “five more minutes”. Moreover, I agree with Thao’s comment on your message. You should take a look at it.

    Overall, you did a good job. Hope you can do better in other entries!

  3. Gắn bi vào bộ phận sinh dục, cậu nhỏ hay thô 1 chút là gắn bi vào cu hiện đang trở thành hiện tượng trong giới trẻ. địa chỉ gắn bi dương vật bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Cách lựa chọn địa chỉ lắp bi vào của quý ... Có đánh giá về các yếu tố kể trên sẽ giúp nam giới biết được đâu là địa chỉ lắp bi vào dương vật hiệu quả, an toàn . đeo bi cho cậu nhỏ bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Địa chỉ gắn bi dương vật bao nhiêu tiền tại tphcm để giúp nam giới giãi tỏa những thắc mắc đó, các bác sĩ chuyên khoa cấy găm bi vào của quý đẹp an toàn bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Trẻ em bị nhiễm viêm gan B từ bé rất dễ bị suy gan ở tuổi trưởng thành. ... Vacxin là để phòng bệnh, nghĩa là chỉ thực hiện trên những đối tượng chưa hề bị dịch vụ gắn bi vào dương vật bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Biểu hiện tiêu biểu mà khi mắc ai cũng nghĩ mình bị nóng gan là mụn nhọt, mẩn ngứa. Nhưng sau khi khám & xét nghiệm loại bỏ các nguyên nhân rối loạn nội tiết cấy bi vào bộ phận sinh dục bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm

    công ty rut hầm cầu giá rẻ trực tuyến có website là xem giá rút hầm cầu trực tiếp tại đây

    Nếu còn thắc mắc hay cần được tư vấn về bệnh bạch biến có lây không và cách phòng ngừa bệnh, mời bạn liên hệ với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ dưới đây để được hỗ trợ tốt nhất cách điều trị bệnh bạch biến

    Những thông tin hay về các bệnh đa khoa có tại
