Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Entry1_ Nguyễn Thùy Linh

Entry1_ Nguyễn Thùy Linh

Entry 1
Item 1: Poem
How do I love thee ?

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. (a)
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height (b)
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight (b)
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. (a)
I love thee to the level of every day's (c)
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. (d)
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; (d)
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. (c)
I love with a passion put to use (e)
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. (f)
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose (e)
With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath, (f)
Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose, (e)
I shall but love thee better after death. (f)

Rhetorical devices:
o   Hyper hole: to list the depth of the author’s love and to discuss a more mature love, a love that goes beyond everything, including death.
o   Repetition: "How do I Love Thee"  -> to emphasize the intensity of the speaker's love.
o  Rhetorical question : " How do I love thee ? "  -> to show the author's love in many significant ways.
o  Rhyme : "height- sight " ->  to create flow to the poem , give it a sense of purity -> suggest a sense of completeness in love

            The eternal nature of love and its power can overcome everything, including death.

Item 2: Clip
 Bài học từ nước  [ A lesson from water] 

Rhetorical devices:
o   Metaphor:  +Water ( people in society) 
                             + Cup, vase and bonsai pot ( different scenarios that could be faced in real life )   
                             + Steps (  the ability to adapt to the society) 
Message:  Human need either to easily adapt to the environment we are living or to try to change it. Besides, we should be patient, flexible to deal with tackles, difficulties and challenges.

Item3: Cartoon

Rhetorical devices:
o   Metaphor:  solider ( war) , crack ( wound from wars)  , sewing thread  ( scar from war)
o   Irony:  the action of healing the wounds after wars and the scars they left after had gone.

Message:  Even though we try to heal the wounds from the wars, they still left scars. They can’t be erased, so do consequence from wars.  How  we try to erase them, they’re still alive at least in victim’s minds. 


  1. thanks, buddy :D
    i have read your comment and try to edit my post :D
    thank to you that i can completely finish my post .~

  2. First of all, I just want to say that your 1st entry is really interesting. I have an exciting time reading this. After reading, I have some comments:

    1. About item 1, it is a good poem. I think there are some more rhetorical devices in the poem. For example:
    -A bout rhyme, I found some more: Praise-faith; Breath-death; Freely-purely.
    - Or some similes: “love as quite need of sun and candlelight”; “Love as men strive for Right”; “Love as they turn from Praise”.
    - And with the message you give at last, I think the overstatement: “I shall but live thee better after death” is very important to lead to the conclusion.
    After all, I totally agree with the message you’ve given here.

    2. About item 2, the story is so meaningful. The rhetorical devices and the message you found is reasonable. However, I have some different thoughts. Belows are my thoughts:
    - The place where rain water drips down the yard: the ability of people to keep yourself and change the society as well. (metaphor)
    And the message I can capture from the video is that:
    In every circumstance, we need to be flexibly enough to adjust ourself to it but don’t loose yourself, find you own way and then change the circumstance.

    3. About item 3, I really like this picture. And I agree with you about the rhetorical devices and the message here. Besides, I think it’ll be better if you can shorten the message and make it more strong.

    Anw, I enjoyed your entry so much. I like your three items. Thank you for finding and posting this!

  3. -Item 2: +I think you should not choose vietnamese clip because it's quite simple and easy to understand.
    +The message should be briefer: people in this life have to be flexible and adapt to all situation that may happen.It is the key of success
