Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Entry 1_Trần Thị Kim Dung

Trần Thị Kim Dung _ Entry 1

Item 1: Poem

Dreaming of Success

The Success does not chase the successful 
The successful chases the success 

The dream does not chase the dreamer
The dreamer chases the dream

I will chase my success
I will chase my dream

My dream is success 

Rhetorical devices:
·         Repetition: the success, the successful, the dream, the dreamer, my deam, I will chase
·         Rhyme: successful – success, dreamer - dream
·         Parallelism: 1st and 2nd , 3rd and 4th , 5th and 6th sentences
·         Metaphor: dream (success)
Success doesn’t come naturally to people who only dream of it. To become successful people, we have to take action to achieve what we want.
Item 2: picture
Rhetorical devices:
Metaphor: different kinds of animals ( people with different strengths, hobbies, characteristics…), climbing that tree ( studying the same things), the teacher asks all animals to take the same exam ( modern education system requires the same with different people).
Education system should make chances for everyone to study things they like and can make use of their strengths instead of asking them to study the same things.

Item 3: cartoon

Rhetorical devices:
Metaphor: kiwi bird that can’t fly ( people who have trouble in their lives), nailing an array of trees to a side of a cliff ( the effort), the kiwi flaps its tiny wings as it is flying above a forest ( achieving the dream), kiwi’s tear ( the happiness)
When people having trouble in lives make great efforts to achieve what they want, they will succeed even if it is thought that their dreams can’t happen.
(source: )


  1. Hi Dung,
    I have some comments after reading your post"
    Item 1: I totally agree with your thought
    Item 2: I think it indicate the unfair things in education. I dont mean any specific kind of education. Did you see the word "fair". it is clear that Monkey is the animal that can run with the highest speed in all of them. Thus, why it can be called " fair selection"?
    Hope that my comments are useful for you :x
    Cmted by Le Ngoc Xuan Mai

  2. Hello Dung
    I have some comments on your entry
    Item 1: the message can be clearly understood and i agree with the way you wrote the message of the poem.
    Item 2: the picture is actually about inequality in life. The man said "a fair selection" but it's not unfair at all coz some animals can climb the tree, others cannot right? It's not just in education. It's in every field of life!! So the message, i think, should be: the inequality in life.
    Item 3: The clip has a great meaning and you did find it out. Congrats
    Hope my comments will help you to improve your entry my friend :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Dung, I wanna give you some of my comments:
    - Item 2: I don't agree with your message. I think it implies unfair education. You can see from the picture, in the same exam but it's indeed useful for monkey, because olny it just climbs the tree. That's unfair to other animals. So, the message in this piture is education must have exams that are suitable for all of students. By that way, we select the talent people correctly and fairly.
    - Item 1 and Item 3: I definitely agree with you, that's good :D
    Do hope my comments will be helpful for you :)

  5. hi Dung,
    After reading you entry, I want to give you some comments
    item 1, I agree with your rhetorical devices and message.
    item 2, I think it is not just in education field. "fair selection" is true because it is an exam that is hold to gain the definite aims like selecting a good animal or evaluating the ability of each one. each one has different strengths, hobbies, characteristics so the teachers or interviews don't have choose a question suitable for all of them. therefore, in my opinion, the message also refer to luck.
    I hope my cmt will useful for you.
    item 3: i think you should add overstatement to your rhetorical devices because it is difficult for kiwi bird in nailing an array of trees to a side of a cliff. I want add more information that when the kiwi bird drop from the top of mountain , it can die. therefore the message is when a person has a great effort to archive what he want, he dare to change everything.the success always go with the sacrifices
    cmted by Hoang Thi Bich Hong
