Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Entry 1_ Nguyen Thi Nguyet

Item 1:
In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walk around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the road clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a lot of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he  noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from a king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understand.
Rhetorical devices:
ü Symbol:
·     The boulder suggests the challenge and difficulty we face in our life.
·     Gold coins suggest rewards or experience people gain from their effort to overcome challenge.
ü Antithesis:
 The peasant learned what many others never understand.
Moral lesson: Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one’s conditions.

Item 2:
A farmer came into town and asked the owner of a restaurant if he would like to use a million frog legs. The restaurant owner was shocked and asked the man where he could get so many frog legs.
The farmer replied, “There is a pond near my house that is full of frogs, millions of them. They all croak all night long and they are about to make me crazy!”. So the restaurant owner and the farmer made a agreement that the farmer would deliver frogs to the restaurant, five hundred at a time for the next several weeks.
The first week, the farmer returned to the restaurant looking rather sheepish, with two scrawny little frogs. The restaurant owner said, “Well.. where are all the frogs?” The farmer said, “I was mistaken. There were only these two frogs in the pond. But they sure were making a lot of noise!”
Rhetorical devices:
The frogs suggest problems.
Moral lesson: Problems always seem bigger than they actually are or not absolutely up to your view. Therefore, we need to be concious in every case.

Item 3:
A turtle family decided to go on a picnic. Turtles, being naturally slow about things, took seven years to prepare for their outing. Finally, the turtle family left home looking for a suitable place for their outing.
During the second year, of their journey, they found a place ideal for them at last! For a bout six months, they cleaned up the area, unpacked the picnic basket, and complete the arrangements. Then they discovered they had forgotten the salt. A picnic without salt would be a disaster, they all agreed.
After a lengthy discussion, the  youngest turtle was chosen to retrieve the salt from home. Although he was the fastest of the slow-moving turtles, the little turtle whined, cried and wobbled in his shell.
He agreed to go on one condition: that no one would eat until he returned. The family consented and the little turtle left. Three years passed and the little turtle had not returned. Five years...six years... then on the seventh year of his absence, the oldest turtle could no longer contain his hunger. He annouced that he was going to eat to unwrap a sanwich. At that point the little turtle suddenly popped out from behind a tree shouting, “See! I knew you wouldn’t wait. Now I am not going to go get the salt.”
Rhetorical devices:
ü Symbol:
The turtles are symbol of wasting time.
ü Overstatement:
Turtles took seven years to prepare for their outing
During the second year, of their journey, they found a place ideal
For a bout six months, they cleaned up the area, unpacked the picnic basket, and complete the arrangements
Moral lesson:
Selfishness wasting our time waiting people to live up to our expectation while we do nothing ourselves.


  1. - Item 3 : the moral should be clearer."Some of us waste our time waiting for people to live up to our expectations. We are so concerned about what others are doing that we don't do anything ourselves."

  2. hi Nguyet,
    there are some my comments for your entry 1.
    - item 1: I quite disagree with your message because if you notice that "Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the road clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way" and " the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road" without worrying about the attitude of the king, the message should be that the rewards will be presented for those who dare to do the right things.
    - item 2: I agree with your message and want to add more information for you. the man just feel his having a big problem without learning about the facts and dealing with that. that he hunted millions of frogs is the chances for him to deal with his trouble. so when people appreciate and face to a problem, they should find out the cause carefully.
    - item 3: I think you should add more details to your message or explain it to clear.
    I hope my cmt will useful for you.
    cmted by Hoang Thi Bich Hong

  3. Commented by Nguyen Thi Nguyet:
    First of all, I think highly of all your comments, buddies and very grateful for your remarks as well. From my perpective, I also have my own viewpoint like these:
    1, To Bao:
    I think what you would like to add to make the moral lesson here clearer is that JUST some people wasting time to live up to our own expectation while we do nothing ourselve, right? however, do you see eye to eye with me that not all people have selfishness? That what i mean. I would rather to point out and emphasize that it's SELFISHNESS that make paople do that thing.
    That all I'd like to explain for my moral lesson based on your comment. Hope this will help us to reconsider. Many thanks!

    2. To Hong:

    As for your remarks for the item 1, I hope that you will have the second thoght on this more generally. I mean when the author wrote that "Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the road clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way" and " the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road", he just want to make comparison to prove that not only people who are rich or have power in society can do right things but anyone. Of course, your idea here is undeniable. And i appreciate that so well. However, this is not the main message of the whole story because it's a quite small detail, we need another covering the whole story. Do you agreee with me?

    As for item 2, you message which is "when people appreciate and face to a problem, they should find out the cause carefully" and my thought that: "we need to be concious in every case" have similar meaning.
    Finally, would you mind giving mare detailed comment here? I really can not see how you think the messagee should be edited.
    To sum up, I once again thank you very much for all. i can learn many thing just through you useful comments like I should care much more about even small details.

  4. Gắn bi vào bộ phận sinh dục, cậu nhỏ hay thô 1 chút là gắn bi vào cu hiện đang trở thành hiện tượng trong giới trẻ. địa chỉ gắn bi dương vật bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Cách lựa chọn địa chỉ lắp bi vào của quý ... Có đánh giá về các yếu tố kể trên sẽ giúp nam giới biết được đâu là địa chỉ lắp bi vào dương vật hiệu quả, an toàn . đeo bi cho cậu nhỏ bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Địa chỉ gắn bi dương vật bao nhiêu tiền tại tphcm để giúp nam giới giãi tỏa những thắc mắc đó, các bác sĩ chuyên khoa cấy găm bi vào của quý đẹp an toàn bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Trẻ em bị nhiễm viêm gan B từ bé rất dễ bị suy gan ở tuổi trưởng thành. ... Vacxin là để phòng bệnh, nghĩa là chỉ thực hiện trên những đối tượng chưa hề bị dịch vụ gắn bi vào dương vật bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm
    Biểu hiện tiêu biểu mà khi mắc ai cũng nghĩ mình bị nóng gan là mụn nhọt, mẩn ngứa. Nhưng sau khi khám & xét nghiệm loại bỏ các nguyên nhân rối loạn nội tiết cấy bi vào bộ phận sinh dục bao nhiêu tiền ở tphcm

    công ty rut hầm cầu giá rẻ trực tuyến có website là xem giá rút hầm cầu trực tiếp tại đây

    Nếu còn thắc mắc hay cần được tư vấn về bệnh bạch biến có lây không và cách phòng ngừa bệnh, mời bạn liên hệ với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ dưới đây để được hỗ trợ tốt nhất cách điều trị bệnh bạch biến

    Những thông tin hay về các bệnh đa khoa có tại
