Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Entry 1_Lê Hải Vân

Lê Hải Vân :

Item 1: Image





Rhetorical devices: Irony
Message: Smart phone has a big, even negative effect on everybody in modern life


Item 2: Poem


The Secrets We Hide

Tiffany Franklin

We struggle to have meaning 
In this world which we all know
We try but yet we wonder 
Where we all should go
Hidden in the questions 
Which we can not find
The answers are all hidden
Deep inside our minds
Hidden in our soul
Is the life we try to hide
But in time it will find you
And it will release 
All of its secrets hidden beneath 
So before it ruins the life you have made
Release those dark secrets 
And the memories will fade
Hidden in our lives are stories left untold
Of the things we didn’t want them to know
But once you tell somebody
And make your feelings known
The struggle will be over
And you’ll finally be home


Rhetorical devices:
  1. Rhyme:
-Terminal rhyme:
Known-home (imperfect rhyme)
-Internal rhyme:
  1. Repetition
  1. Metaphor
“And you’ll finally be home”-relief
Message: The only journey is the journey within. Keep secret makes you feel tired but if you can share with somebody, struggle will be over and you will find yourself relieved and peaceful.

Item 3: Poem


Joyce Johnson

The horror of the story stuns,
Another massacre with guns.
So many innocents are lost.
They paid the catastrophic cost.
But there are folks who stoutly say
Their guns and amunition stay
Or they and loved ones could be harmed.
They vow they must be fully armed.
Some of the folks who run the show,
Say that assault rifles must go.
The other side with different view,
Say guns don't kill, but people do.
They cannot find a common ground
And sensible answers are not found.
While they are wrangling and delay,
School children are the ones to pay.
When two sides argue and defer
More tragic incidents occur.
Rhetorical devices:
  1. Rhyme(terminal rhyme)
  1. Parallelism
The poem is divided into 9 pairs of sentences with parallel structure
Message: “Guns” condemns the massacre which leads to the deaths of innocents and show the author’s sympathy. This poem also implicitly expresses the political war problem have not been solved and its long lasting delay that cause this tragic scene.


  1. The first thing I like about your entry is that it is not so long. And then, your two poems are so meaningfull and I like them so much.
    About item 1, I agree with your concluding message. However, could you add some more details about the irony? In my opinion, the ironies here are the differences in the Obama’s family like: in 2009, they didn’t have smartphones but in 2012, every member had their own smartphones; or in 2009, they seemed to be closer (Mr. Barack Obama was embracing his daughter) and they were more concentrating in the meeting than what they showed in 2012. Your message is short and reasonable
    In the item 2, in my perspective, besides the mentioned rhetorical devices, there is the rhetorical question here: Is the life we try to hide. (it doesn’t have question mark though). Moreover, you should specify the repetition like: “Hidden in the question”; “Hidden in your soul”; “Hidden in our lives”.
    I like your last item a lot. But I think you should make the message more clearer.
    After all, you entry is interesting. Thank you for posting this!

  2. Hi Van,
    After reading all the items in your entry, I would like to tell you something I think and feel about them.
    You made a wise decision when choosing the picture for item 1. It is a problem which almost all of us have to face today. It is really up-to-date to the situation at the moment. However, I think it will be better if you explain more about the negative effects of smart phones to people: what aspects do they affect? How can they influence on modern life?
    About item 2 and 3, they are very good and meaningful poems. You did very excellent in finding the rhetorical devices which are hidden in the two poems. They are almost sufficient and hardly can I find anything mistaken or forgotten.
    I really enjoyed reading your entry. Hope that my comments can help you somehow. Keep up the good work!
