Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Entry 3_Phan Thị Hải Yến

Identifying Bias

ITEM 1: A picture

ü Stereotype

ü Analysis: This picture shows the specific mental images, appearances of some groups of people with the particular jobs, like taxi driver, I.T guy, wrestler and trucker based on opinion without regard to individual differences. In fact, it is not true for everyone who has the same career that they must have the same looks as in this picture.

ITEM 2: A short story

In a small town, there was a big factory that hired only married men. Upset, a local woman called on the manager and asked him, “Why is it you limit your employees to married men? Is it because you think women are weak, dumb, cantankerous or what?” “Not at all, Ma’am,” the manager replied. “It is because our employees are used to obeying orders and have learned to keep their mouths shut when I yell at them.”

ü  Discrimination (Gender)

ü  Analysis: The story shows that the women are treated worse than married men in an unfair way (they are not hired by the factory). Because the manager thinks that the women are not only weak, dumb, cantankerous but also unable to obey orders and keep their mouths shut when he yells at them. By having those negative feelings about women, the manager hire only married men (prejudice in action).

ITEM 3: A piece of news

“Last year when visiting the island of Islay we hired a car. We were asked our age, as from 70 years old we would not be allowed to hire a car. We were 69, but this year now that we are 70 we would not be allowed to do so. This is the policy of all the major car rental companies because it is the policy of their insurance backers. In theory, we could have hired a car for one day the day before our 70th birthday and be refused the next day! As our own car insurance sees no problem with giving us insurance, this ban based solely on age is unreasonable and discriminatory. Such a ban has been illegal in Ireland for a few years since challenged by a visiting Australian priest.”

ü  Discrimination (Age)

ü  Analysis: This is a piece of news which was taken from BBC. By reading this news, we can see that people with the age from 70 years old are not allowed to hire a car. The car rental companies treat those people in an unfair way just because of their age. Therefore, it is a kind of ageism in this case.



  1. Hi Yen,
    After reading your entry 3, I have some comments for you.
    For item 1, I exactly agree with you.
    For item 2, I don't think your analysis is reasonable. the manager didn't admit that the women are weak, dumb, cantankerous. otherwise,he appreciated the women because he said that the men could obey orders and had learned to keep their mouths shut when he yell at them; it means that the men have been taught by their wife, so he didn't spend time to train them.
    For item 3, you consider situation that car rental companies don't allow the 70-year-old people to rent car, may be, as to secure their life. their policy isn't bring about damage to them.
    in general, your entry has interesting contents and be showed short and clear, which help readers understand easily. I very like them. I hope that some my comments are useful for you to make your entry well.

  2. After following your entry, I have to say that you’ve got variety of biases and I felt it very interesting. Personally, I have some comments for you as followed:
    • Item 1: I totally go with you.
    • Item 2: I think that there are two kind of biases here. They are discrimination and prejudice. From the story, I can see that the manager have a bad and negative opinion about women that they disobey what the manage says and can’t help hearing his yelling. Therefore, he showed this through the action: not hiring women.
    • Item 3: in my point of view, this situation is not age discrimination as it didn’t mention any bad feelings about the 70-year-old people or negative action to them. It was just because of the security reason.
    Overall, you've done a god job!
    Hope that my comments useful for you.

  3. Hi Yen,
    I have some comments as follow:
    1st item: I agree with you
    2nd item: I think that the bias here is prejudice only.Please read carefully this line "It is because our employees are used to obeying orders and have learned to keep their mouths shut when I yell at them.” The manager didnt say that he discriminated the gender. Pay attention to the phrase "MARRIED". I think that the manager implied that married men had to obey orders and learned to keep their mouth. It meaned that their wives must have forced them to follow the orders

  4. Hi Yen,
    After reading your entry 3, i have some comments for you:
    your entry 3 is very good, i total agree with you about type of bias as well as analysis of item 1 and item 3. About the second item, i think it have both prejudice and discrimination. because the manager think that the women are unable to obey orders and keep their mouths shut when he yells at them. beside, there was a big factory that hired only married mena and the manager thinks that the women are not only weak, dumb, cantankerous.
    comment by lan.
