Tuesday, April 16, 2013

entry 3_ Phạm Thị Nga

Entry 3: Identify bias

Item 1: Cartoon

Type of bias: Discrimination 
Analysis: This cartoon compares the attitude of the media to the sayings of two people, one is the Republican candidate John McCain in 2008 presidential election and the other is the election winner Democratic President Barack Obama. Both of them said the same words, yet received contrast answer from the press. McCain said his words during the election, and was considered to be “out of touch” of the American economic situation. President Barack Obama said his word in March 2009, two months after he began his term in office and received roses and people speak his famous word “Hope”. This cartoon shows the bias of the media toward the two parties as well the two political leaders without considering the real fact of the U.S. economy.

Item 2: Image

- Type of bias:  Discrimination.
- Analysis:
It was commonly believed that in Ancient society, women were not allow neither to go to school nor start business. In other words, it was uncommon to see women succeeding. They could not do things as men could do.They were seem differently from men. As a result, if they did go to school, or start a business or do something like that, they would be stopped by men.
The belief mentioned is a stereotype, the opinion that women could not do things as men could is a prejudice; and finally, the act of men preventing women from doing things like them (prejudice in action) is characterized as discrimination.

Item 3: Video

•  Type of bias:   Discrimination and prejudice
•   Analysis: This video is a part of the famous film, namely “the Help”. In this video, the woman named Hilly had a prejudice that every black nanny brought about many different diseases which were very dangerous for her and her family, so she needed to protect herself and her family as well. This leads to a discrimination that white people need to have a separate bathroom for black nannies outside their house.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nga, hereafter are some comments I have given to you:
    - In general, you have done your bias excellently. You define the types of bias as well as analyize them exactly. But there are only a few grammar mistakes in your analysis in Item 2: '' They seem to be different/ different from men...if they did go to school, or started a business or did something like that...''
    Do hope that my comments will be useful for you. Thank you for reading
