Saturday, May 18, 2013

ENTRY 4_Nguyen Thi Nguyet

Argument structures and fallacies

Item 1:

Officer: Don’t you see that sign “Fine for parking?”
Driver: Yes, officer I see and agree with it.

The misunderstanding here is due to the multimeaning of the word “fine”
To the police, “Fine” means a sum of money that must be paid for breaking a law (Parking).
To the driver: “Fine” means good, acceptable.

Item 2:

(Fallacy of content – Begging the questions)
One says that the boys’ routine of hardly bath leads them to be dirty while the boys protect themselves when claim that they are clean enough so that there is no need to have a shower any more. To sum up, the problem here is that in this scenario, the reason(rare bath) and result (dirty bodies) are mixed up together.

Item 3:

Every part of this chair is light. Therefore, this chair is light
(Fallacy of irrelevance)
The statement is unreasonable because the chair weight is the sum of all chair part weight no matter how heavy each part is. 

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