Saturday, May 18, 2013

Entry 4_Hoang Thi Thuy

Name: Hoàng Thị Thùy

Entry 4
Argument Structures and Fallacies

Item 1
   The last person we hired from Bayview Tech turned out to be a bad employee. I'm not willing to hire anybody else from that school again.
Ø Hasty generalization
Analysis: The author says about a bad employee who was from Bayview Tech, thereby giving a conclusion: almost all people being from that school are bad and he is not willing to hire them. He draws a general conclusion from a sample that is too small.

Item 2
   The more you study, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why study? 
Ø Slippery slope
Analysis: The author gives a series of “If…, then…” sentences. However, he does not give the reasons why they happen. For example, he says “the more you know, the more you forget” but does not explain why.

Item 3

Ø Post-hoc fallacy
Analysis: After the the bear says to the wolf: “You are a poopy-head”, the turtle is hit on the head by the pig. The wolf blames that for what the bear does.

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