Thursday, May 23, 2013

Entry 4_Trần Thị Huyền Trang

Argument Structures and Fallacies

Item 1
The picture on Jim's old TV set goes out of focus. Jim goes over and strikes the TV soundly on the side and the picture goes back into focus. Jim tells his friend that hitting the TV fixed it.

-Type of fallacy: Post-hoc fallacy
Premise:  Tom strikes the out of focus TV
               The TV is back into focus
Conclusion: Striking the TV fixed it
The conclusion is false because it is not sure that the act of hitting the TV has some influence on it. Maybe it is because of the waves or something else.

Item 2
Every person is either wholly good or wholly evil

-Type of fallacy: False dilemma
-Analysis: Almost everybody is not wholly good or bad. People have both bright and dark sides.

Item 3:

-Type of fallacy: Personal attack
-Analysis: The student blames the professor’s sign of the zodiac, which doesn’t get on well with the student’s, for his bad result of the exam instead of his own ability and knowledge.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Entry 4_Nguyễn Thị Nụ

Argument Structures and Fallacies

Item 1: 
If you know about BMW, you either own one or want one.

- Source:

- False dilemma.

- Analysis:

Pemise: Someone knows about  BMW.
Conclusion: He/She either owns one or wants one.

The premise is false. Some people can know about BWM when they do not own one or want one. For example, people from the competitor company with BMW know about BMW because they want to make a better car than BMW.

Item 2: 
We should let women rule the world because they drive cars better.

- Source:

- Analysis:

 Premise 1: Women drive cars better.
Premise 2 (hidden): People who drive cars better should rule the world.
Conclusion: Women should rule the world.

Premise 2 is false. The ability to rule the world does not depend only on the driving skill, but on some other factors like intelligence, etc.

Item 3: 

- Source:

- Personal attack.

- Analysis:

The bigger shrimp concludes that people should not vote for the smaller shrimp because the smaller one is small and weak. The bigger shrimp does not consider the smaller shrimp abilities and talent.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Nguyen Thi Mo Entry 4

Entry 4: Argument Structures and Fallacies
Item 1: picture

·      +    Type of fallacy : fallacy of ambiguity

·      +     Analysis:  The word  “ấm” has two meanings in this situation. There first is the happiness or benefits for people when the second is a physical state related to the body temperature. The author has used this word in two different senses to support the conclusion that students should sleep instead of studying.

 Item 2:

  • ·         Source :
  • ·         Argument structure

premise 1 (hidden) : people who have big abdomens are pregnant
Premise 2: Natsu has big abdomen


Conclusion : Nastu is pregnant
False Dilemma
·         Analysis :
The first premise is false.  Many people who have big abdomens aren’t pregnant. They are fat (and Natsu is a male character in the mangan “ Fairy Tail” ) 
Item 3

·         “ Người Việt mình ăn quá nhiều thịt, nhẫn tâm giết thịt cả con vật trung thành nhất với mình nên tâm địa ngày càng độc ác. Thế nên mới có chuyện con giết cha, chồng giết vợ, vợ giết chồng không ngần ngại...”
  • ·         Source :
  • ·         Analysis :

Post-hoc fallacy,
The author believe that if Vietnamese people eat too much meat especially dog meat ,makes they will become more cruel and easily kill their family members. However, the connection between the premise and the conclusion has not  been proved yet.

Entry 4_Nguyen Thi Thoan


Item 1:

Sao đã vội chết

Một ông thầy lang xưa nay vẫn khoe chữa bệnh giỏi, ngày nọ có một ông lão đột ngột lại hỏi:

- Lão nghe thầy chữa bệnh thần lắm, thầy đã chữa khỏi được mấy đám rồi?

Ông lang quả quyết đáp:

- Bao nhiêu đám mà nghe lời tôi là chữa khỏi hết.

Ông lão cau mặt nói:

- Thầy quên rồi à? Thầy bảo thằng cháu nhà tôi uống thuốc của thầy một năm thì khỏi, sao nó mới uống được ba tháng đã chết?

Ông lang xua tay nói:

- Rõ ràng tại cậu nhà không chịu nghe lời tôi. Tôi bảo uống thuốc một năm, sao mới uống ba tháng đã vội chết? Cứ uống thuốc đủ năm, xem có khỏi không nào?
-         Premise 1: Nghe lời tôi là chữa khỏi hết (uống trong 1 năm)
-         Premise 2: Không nghe lời tôi ( chỉ uống 3 tháng đã vội chết)
=> Conclusion: Chết
The first premise hasn’t been proved, so the conclusion is wrong.

Item 2:

- Premise 1: đời là bể khổ

-         - Premise 2: qua được bể khổ
=> Conclusion: qua đời
The author may be forget that in our life, except for the misery, we still have much of happiness, so the first premise is not proved. Therefore, the conclusion is wrong

Item 3: 


Nhà nho nọ thấy quan lại tham nhũng, trong lòng rất khinh. Một hôm các quan đến nhà chơi, trong số đó có mấy bạn đồng song thuở trước. Ông ta bảo người nhà dọn rượu thết.

Người nhà bưng mâm lên, ông ta đứng dậy thưa:

-Chả mấy khi rồng đến nhà tôm, các ngài có bụng yêu nhà nho thanh bạch đến chơi, có chén rượu nhạt xin các ngài chiếu cố cho.

Các quan cầm đũa, gắp mấy món. Các quan ăn thấy ngon miệng , liền khề khà hỏi:

-Đây dĩa gì, kia bát gì?

Nhà nho thong thả nói:

-Đây là chó, kia cũng là chó, bẩm toàn chó cả.

Analysis: Author used another definition “chó” to replace “quan lại tham nhũng” to make some fun for the readers. In Vietnamese, we can consider this kind of argument as “đánh tráo khái niệm” 



Một du khác đến thăm một thầy phù thủy ở Congo, thấy trong phòng ông ta có một cái hộp giấy đựng rất nhiều ong. Thầy phù thủy cho biết: ‘’ Nếu ông là thù thì lũ ong đã đốt ông rồi. Tuần trước có 1 kẻ xấu vào đây, liền bị ong đốt cho phải bỏ chạy.’’
-         Hắn ta đã nói gì với ông? – du khách hỏi
-         Chưa kịp nói gì cả
-         Vậy làm sao ông biết hắn là kẻ xấu?
-         Vì ong đã đốt hắn.

Structure of argument:

Premise 1: If someone is the bad, bees will bite him
Premise 2: He was bitten by bees

(Conclusion) He is a bad person

Structural fallacy:
If A, then B

Therefore, A

Argument error:
The argument is weak because premise 1 is wrong. In fact, bee is an animal that has no ability to distinguish between the good from the bad. Therefore, acusing someone of being the bad since he was bitten by bees isn’t a mistake.


You will get pregnant if you kiss a boy. I’ve seen Sally kiss boys three times, and now she is a pregnant.

Structure of argument:

Premise 1: If you kiss a boy, you will get pregnant
Premise 2: I’ve seen Sally kiss boys three times

(Conclusion) She is a pregnant

Structural fallacy:
If A, then B

Therefore, B

Argument error:
The argument is weak because premise 1 is wrong. Because you will only get pregnant if you have sexual relations with someone but not a kiss.


Men are all alike: selfish creatures who spend every weekend glued to a television tube.

Type of fallacy: hasty generalization

Argument error:
The argument is false because selfish is only one of the characters of men. There are also good men, bad men, sympathetic men, enthusiastic men and so on. Thus, concluding that ‘’men are all alike’’ is totally invalid

Entry 4 _ Bùi Ngọc Bảo

Name: Bùi Ngọc Bảo
Class  : E12

You'll never find any additives in our tobacco. What you see is what you get. Simply 100% whole-leaf natural tobacco. True authentic tobacco taste. It's only natural.
If we look at what people actually do, this does seem to be an assumption that underlies people's behaviour.
American Spirit uses the slogan "it's only natural" and claims that its cigarettes are "100% natural tobacco". Some smokers may buy American Spirit cigarettes because they believe that "natural" tobacco is in some way safer or healthier than tobacco that contains additives. However, the carcinogens in cigarettes that cause cancer are natural components of tobacco.

William Bennet, leader of the antirap campaign, has had no trouble finding antipolice and antiwomen lyrics to quote in support of [his] claim that "nothing less is at stake than civilization" if rappers are not rendered silent. So odious are the lyrics, that rarely do politicians or journalists stop to ask what qualifies Bennett to lead a moralistic crusade on behalf of America's minority youth. Not only has he opposed funding for the nation's leader in quality children's programming (the Public Broadcasting Corporation), he has urged that "illegitimate" babies be taken from their mothers and put in orphanages.

A debater commits the Ad Hominem Fallacy when he introduces irrelevant personal premisses about his opponent. Such attacks are often effective distractions ("red herrings"), because the opponents feel it necessary to defend themselves, thus being distracted from the topic of the debate.



The fallacy is an argument that appeals to pity. The question is whether a law which would draft adults of a particular age into the military is just. To show it is not just one would need to offer arguments which appeal to facts and correct moral principles for this conclusion. The writer has not done this; instead Mrs LT has simply pointed out she is against the draft, she is a widow in poor health and if all of her children were drafted, sent to a war and killed she would not cope. we feel pity for the woman and sympathise with her, this sympathy is then mistakenly transferred to what she has said so that we accept her conclusion. Despite the fact no real reasons for accepting it were offered.

Entry4_ Nguyen Thuy Linh

Entry4 _ Nguyễn Thùy Linh


* Hasty generalization
      The radio is playing the song hit across the nation
      The song was sad
          -> The country is now sad shape

*People tend to take the popularity as a regard. Like the boy in this picture who is listening to the hit song across the nation, feel like it is a sad song and then conclude that the nation is now in sad shape, people usually give a conclusion without giving the evidences and just infer the situation by showing its popularity.
Item 2

 False Dilemma:
Penguins are black and white.
Old TV shows black and white.
 ->  Penguins are old TVs.
 *This picture illustrates a false dilemma by only bringing one side of this argument into perspective. The penguin assumes that because they are black and white, that he was a black and white TV show.

Item 3
* False analogy
*The video is comparing getting ice cream to getting a car. The guy in the commercial dreams about getting ice cream but he keeps putting it off to an important moment. Mercedes is saying that the guy waiting to buy ice cream is like other people waiting to buy a Mercedes. They’re also saying they shouldn’t put it off because they are ready to buy the car.

Entry 4_Hoang Thi Hong Phuong

Entry 4

Item 1:

  • Source:

  • Structure:

All cats have four legs ( All S is P)
I have four legs ( A is P)
I am a cat ( A is S)
  • Type of fallacy: Structural fallacy
  • Analysis: The argument is invalid. Two premises are true; however the conlusion is false because of inference. In fact, there are many animals with 4 legs, are not cats such as: cows, buffaloes....

Item 2.

  • Source:

  • Type of fallacy: Slippery slope
  • Analysis: This argument is false because having more knowledge about cars doesn’t lead to the desire of having a BMW because BMW is not the greatest one among many famous brands of cars.

Item 3.

  • Source:

  • Type of fallacy: False dilemma
  • Analysis: The MasterCard advertisement suggests that there are two cases: something can’t not be bought by money and everything else  can be bought by a MasterCard. However; it’s clear that not everything can be bought with a MasterCard. Money cannot by everything and Neither can MasterCard.

Name: Vu Thi Gam
Entry 4: Argument Structures and Fallacies
Item 1:
Đứa nào?
Hai bà bạn thân tâm sự: "Không biết mấy đứa nhà chị thế nào? Chứ hai thằng cu nhà tôi, cùng một giống mà khác nhau một trời một vực".
- Ấy ấy, sao có thể thế được.
- Thằng bé thì ngoan ngoãn, vâng lời, chăm chỉ, học giỏi. Thằng lớn thì thôi rồi, cục cằn, thô lỗ, suốt ngày túm tụm lại với mấy thằng bạn mà nhậu nhẹt bí tỉ, nói mãi không nghe, có khi còn cãi như chém chả ấy.
- Nhưng mà cậu đẻ đứa nữa từ bao giờ thế?
- Đẻ gì?
- Thế sao lại có hai thằng? Thằng bé ngoan thì đúng rồi. Còn thằng lớn?
- Bố nó chứ ai.
·        Fallacy of ambiguity
·        Analysis: “thằng cu” has 2 different meaning: the son and the husband
The woman in this story  has a child and a husband. However, both her son and her husband are called “thằng cu”, which gives a great misunderstanding. The listeners think she has two children that is a funny factor in this story.
Item 2:
·        structure of argument:
Premise: According to research, over 500 children in Vietnam drinking Dialac Alpha has the same height efficient and more than weight one than drinking other milks
Conclusion: drinking Dialac Alpha is a smart choice for Vietnam’s children.
·        Fallacy type: hasty- generalization
·        Analysis: In this advertisement, the survey  just research on more than 500 children in Vietnam drinking Dialac Alpha, it conclude quickly that :” Dialac Alpha provides the children’s healthier body more than other milks”. In fact, the number of children at that time (2009) is . with the amount of  of children researched is not big enough to be able to conclude that :” Dialac Alpha is the smart choice for Vietnam’s children”.
Item 3:
·        Fallacy type: FALSE DILEMMA
·        Analysis: the clause “love it or leave it” and the picture shows that the American just have 2 choices: must love America or have to leave it. In fact, there are some other choices. For example, an American may live there but without the love.

Entry 4 _ LE HAI VAN

"Trung bình mỗi ngày đêm có hơn 600 lượt cảnh sát tuần tra, trấn áp tội phạm để bảo vệ bình yên cho người dân. Đây là nguyên nhân khiến tình hình tội phạm tại TP HCM đã giảm", thiếu tướng Phan Anh Minh, Phó giám đốc Công an TP HCM cho biết tại Hội nghị tổng kết đợt cao điểm tấn công trấn áp tội phạm (tháng 12/2012 đến tháng 3/2013) tổ chức hôm 17/4.

-        Type of fallacy: Fallacy of presumption: post-hoc fallacy
-        Analysis: This major-general indicated that the increase of more than 600 patrolmen resulted in the decrease of crime situation in Hồ Chí Minh city. But he didn’t consider other reasons. More than 600 patrolmen might be the major cause but there were lots of other ones which affected this problem.

-        Type of fallacy: Fallacy of relevance: appeal to popularity
-        Analysis: Almost humans tend to conform with the views of the majority. In this video, you can see that there are a lot of experts from various famous washing machine manufacturers (such as: Toshiba, Sanyo, Panasonic, LG..) and they all choose Omo Matic as the product going with their top machines. So it’s obvious that by relying on popularity, Omo want to encourage people to buy Omo Matic and widely advertise their product.

Item 3

-        Type of fallacy: Fallacy of ambiguity
-        Analysis: The word “guy” means gentleman/lad/boy/person. When the left man says: “You can’t gimme any proof, can you, guy?”, “guy” as be mentioned is simply indicate the right man. But he doesn’t understand and think that the left man calls him “Guy” as a name, so he says :”By the way, my name’s John, not guy!”



Item 1: Giảm cân

Ông bố vợ gầy hom hem ngồi nói chuyện thăm dò chàng rể béo ú mới kén được sau khi đôi trẻ đi tuần trăng mật về.

- Con có biết trước đây ta cũng béo tốt như con không? Trải qua bao nhiêu thăng trầm vất vả nên giờ ta mới gầy đi nhưng không khá giả lên được. Sao gia đình ta nghèo thế mà con vẫn chọn con gái bố? Có phải con yêu nó lắm?
- Con cũng muốn giảm cân như bố mà!


Premise 1: nếu yêu con gái bố thì phải chấp nhận sống trong cảnh nghèo khổ

Premise 2: nếu chấp nhận sống trong cảnh nghèo khổ thì con sẽ giảm được cân
Conclusion 1: nếu yêu con gái bố thì con sẽ giảm được cân

Premise 3:     con yêu con gái bố
Conclusion 2: con sẽ giảm được cân

Fallacies: Slippery slope: premise 2 is false because when he lives in poor situation, he can’t lost his weight due to suffering from a disease like malnourished (he is still fat; however, his body loses nutrients)


Item 2: The child and his mother

A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy, why are some of your hairs turning grey?”
The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child: “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will turn one of my hairs grey!”
The child replied innocently: “Now I know why grandmother has only grey hairs on her head.”
Premise 1: Every bad action of the children will turn one of the mother’s hairs grey
Premise 2: grandmother has only grey hairs on her head.
Conclusion (hidden): the mother has lots of bad action

Fallacies: premise 1 is false because every bad action of the children will not turn one of the mother’s hairs grey. This change is due to the changes about the health or hormone in the mother’s body.

Item3: Funny Poster

Drinking may cause memory loss. Or worse, memory loss.

Analysis: egging the question: at first, people said that drinking may cause memory loss then they want to express the bad effect of drinking by using ‘or worse’. However, they also talk about memory loss again.