Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013
Entry 3_Bùi Thị Xuân Hương

Identifying Bias

ITEM 1: A photo

-            - Discrimination (race)
-        - Analysis: It is clear to see that this picture expresses a serious discrimination of race between the white and the black people. Specifically, in a situation with the same condition, same context but the white man is treated formally and luxuriously like a prime minister sitting on a sofa and getting the good half of the table while the black man is treated unfairly; he has to sit on a wood chair on the side of a steel fence equivalent to the other half of the table. It is mentioned as a barrier which the white people put to cause difficulties for the black peolple in political issues of the society.

ITEM 2: A short story
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she’s blind.
She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He’s always there for her.
She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she can see everything, including her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend asked her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”
The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend is blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying. “Just take care of my eyes dear.”
-          Discrimination (disability)
-          Analysis: the discrimination is express in two part. The first part is the first sentence, the girl hated herself just because she’s blind. The other part is when she refused to marry her loving boyfriend because he is blind too without knowing that it was he that donated his eyes for her. In these cases, she had a bad look on the blind and took a unexpected actions (hated and refused to marry him)

ITEM 3: A piece of a newspaper
In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, heterosexual sex is the main route of infection, which means that AIDS-related stigma in this region is mainly focused on promiscuity and sex work.
“Because it is about sex, in my country they then automatically think you got it because you have been are not anything better than a prostitute...they don’t believe you didn’t get it any other way”. An Africa woman in the UK.

-     - Prejudice
-   - Analysis: Actually, because in sub-Saharan Africa, the main source of AIDS is from promiscuity and sex work, so people think that all people get AIDS here only by this way, not the others, and they are considered  prostitutes. It is clear that there is a negative thought about the way of transmitting AIDS and people who are affected by this disease.


  1. After reading your entry, I have some comments for you.
    Firstly, I totally agree with you in the item 1 and 3.
    Secondly, about the second item, I think that the first sentence that she hated herself just because she’s blind shows prejudice. in this case, in my personal view, she may think the blind is useless or may have the bad feeling of the blind who can not see anything. so she hate the blind or being blind.
    In general, you’ve got an interesting entry. Good job!
    Hope that my comments useful for you.

  2. Dear Huong,
    After reading three items your entry 3, i have some comment for you:
    In general, your entry 3 is quite good!
    I exactly agree with you in the item 1.
    Item 2 and item 3 is stories interesting. Item 3 is ok but with item 2 i think it's prejudice.because she hated herself when she is blind after she can see everything and her boyfriend was blind, so she refused to marry him. she prejudiced blinders include her boyfriend.
    comment by lan.

  3. - could you cite the sources of item 1 and 2?
    - I totally agree with you on item 1 and 3, but it seems to have some problems with item 2. I'm not sure in the first case whether it's discrimination or not. I think the type of bias is prejudice, not discrimination because the girl hated everyone (except her boyfriend), but she didn't take any action with them. In the second case, I agree with you.
