Wednesday, April 17, 2013


ITEM 1: A video

©      Discrimination: sexism (gender)

©      Analysis:  The situation of this video is in work place. The video shows that four men treat a woman unfairly and differently in almost all the activities in a congratulation party. For example, while four men have similar piece of cakes, a women has a smaller one and this happens in the same way in other activities. Most people think that men and women are in different levels. Somehow women cannot do anything as well as men. Therefore, not only in workplace but also in other places, gender discrimination is a big issue.

ITEM 2: A picture

©      Stereotype

©      Analysis: this picture indicates four stamping thoughts about the specific people without concern about the particular situation of each person. In fact, these thoughts are not true for everyone who has the same circumstance.

ITEM 3: News

“Since the year 9 pupils faced racist Islamaphobic abuse every day at her school in Wilmslow, Cheshire, her education has suffered along with her mental health.
"I was tormented nearly every day; I was scared to go to school," said Khadeja.
"I used to go to school thinking: what am I going to face today?
"Is someone going to physically hurt me, or shout something at me or throw something at me?"
She continued: "The other children would shout verbal abuse at me; I was called a terrorist and a Taleban and asked why I was behind 9/11.
"Someone once shouted: look at that girl, she has a bomb in her bag.
"It made me feel so low and all my confidence had gone.
"I went from this happy girl who was always smiling and loved going to school and learning, to someone that didn't care about anything and just wanted each day to be over.
"I didn't understand why I was being treated like this. I was the same as the other students, except that I wore a headscarf."
©      Discrimination: racism

©      Analysis:  This is a piece of news which is from BBC News about Education and Family. In this news, the author shows the racism discrimination of a girl from Pakistan. This discrimination is called “Islamaphobic”. In her school, she is tormented and bullied every day. The reason for this discrimination is that she is a Muslims girl from Islamabad which is the capital city of Pakistan.

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